Camp NaNo & Fantasy Notebook: Writing Challenge


(Image from

Hey, readers 🙂 ! So, its July first! Camp NaNo time, yay!

You can see my Wordcounts in the footer and writing goal in the sidebar. If you want more information on my Camp NaNo novel, look here. I will post excerpts of it once I start really writing it. I will also be continuing my WattPad Poem Book. This is my first Camp NaNo, and I hope it will go well. I’ll also be posting more detailed description/ excerpt of my stories, once I figure them out more.

So, with all that work for Camp NaNo to do, I also decided to participate in The Bloggers Fantasy Notebook, hosted by . It looks really fun, so you should definitely go over there and check it out! You will also see some posts from the writing prompts.

I will also be going to some regular camps, so I might not post as much. Anyways. that is basically July for me. If you have a request for something I should put on my blog, or feedback, please comment!



23 thoughts on “Camp NaNo & Fantasy Notebook: Writing Challenge

  1. Thanks for following me! And I’m Isabelle R. Taylor on NaNoWrimo and Camp NaNoWrimo, and esther-e on NaNoWrimo’s YWP


          1. It’s a dystopian novel set in the future centered around a girl named Nessa. Society is crowded into a crumbling city with little food or water. There is little nature and no animals left, and many wars are fought over land that’s fit to live on. Nessa is sick and tired of poverty, so she sets out to change the world. (Her sister, Maria, is also sick and dying, so she has to save her.)

            Liked by 2 people

                1. I know this is totally cliche, but its about two 12 year olds finding Atlantis and then getting recruited for *classified* so they can *classified* so I have to build Atlantis and its hopefully going to be a series so I have to build those worlds too. I’m still figuring out the details and what I can and can’t tell people, but the other books in the series will be in other “Lost Worlds” so they get to visit a lot of cool countries because of some stuff (Confidential)

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