365 Days of Poetry Challenge (& a couple photos)

Hello all,

this is just a quick little update post. an author update post. remember when I did one of those?



But never fear! Your update post is here!


In addition to really focusing on my novel writing this year, I decided to focus on my poetry as well. I heard of the 365K challenge from my friend Lana, and this blossomed from that general idea.

I knew that my schedule was much too hectic to write 1K a day. So I decided to write a poem a day instead. I call it the (so original, I know) 365 Days of Poetry Challenge!


My challenge will be going toward my new poem book on Wattpad, which you can find here. This is much better than my last poem book, and I’m really proud of it so far. That brings me to the topic of For(Gotten) You.

If any of you would like to join me, feel free! It’d be great for the extra encouragement!

On December 30th, I finished For(Gotten) You at a total of 50 poems. I was over the moon with excitement. But I also felt like I had maybe cheated a little to get there, so I plan on fixing that.

By cheating, I mean not doing my best quality writing in order to publish a new part, and getting too caught up in views and likes.

I decided to right that by rewriting the whole book by hand. I’ve found that poem writing in a notebook is very helpful for me. It just gives me this connection between pencil and page. I’m really excited, because I also love to go out and buy journals.

I was inspired to do this because, for my poetry challenge, I am using a journal. I’ve never really handwritten before, so this is an exciting new experience!


The journal I am using for the poetry challenge!

Looking back through the book, I’ve seen that at times I didn’t use my best writing skills. In editing, I hope to change that. If you want to read For(Gotten) You {click}, that is also on Wattpad.


the inside of my journal 😀




The inside cover. I will explain the name at a later date 😉 



Well, I hope you enjoyed that little update. I always enjoy reading other’s so I thought I’d give you one.

Will you be participating in the poetry challenge?


April McLauren


let’s fill up this blank page!

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