Beautiful Books: January 2017

For the first time in forever…

Hello, all! Long time no see… but school is hard.

^ Too true. Why do we go to class again?

So, I’ve been meaning to post for a while, but life. Then, I got to thinking: “what could I give my readers to make up for my absence?” also, “April, if you don’t post before the end of the weekend, no chocolate until Friday!” <- Great motivator, I suggest you try it 😀

As I was walking to the pantry to give myself some food for thought to think about post ideas…

It hit me.

I use “writing” when describing my blog.

But I barely ever talk about my writing.

Continue reading “Beautiful Books: January 2017”

Character Studies, Part Two, July Edition: Beliefs, Ideals, & Morals | A Novel Idea, 7/19/16 | Camp NaNo Update | Feedback

Wow, that title was a doozy! 🙂

Hey everybody! I’m back with Part Two of Character Studies, hosted by Morgan @ Studies In Character. Guess who I’m interviewing… you know it… Queen Aleksandria! Say hi, Queen A!

*Miffed Silence*

Alright… be that way then.

image-1 Continue reading “Character Studies, Part Two, July Edition: Beliefs, Ideals, & Morals | A Novel Idea, 7/19/16 | Camp NaNo Update | Feedback”

Character Studies: Part One (Beliefs, Ideals, and Morals)

Hey, guys! So you know that writing update I’ve been promising?  I decided (since I’m still planning Lost Worlds) I’d get to know my character, Queen Aleksandria of Atlantis! Queen Alek for short. (But don’t call her that unless you want to be fed to the sharks.)  And you get know her too! NOTE/DISCLAIMER: Her personality might undergo a major change, it depends on how the scene works. But right now, this is how I picture/portray her. I am getting to know her by participating in a character study, hosted by Morgan @ Studies in Character! This is my first time, wish me luck!

Continue reading “Character Studies: Part One (Beliefs, Ideals, and Morals)”