a quote iv (& sidebar update)

heyyyyyyy people!
^wut even was that greeting

well, as you can probably guess if you read the title, today is quote day. funny, i named the series sunday quotes, but i’ve done it on sunday… once? as you all know, im total #bloggergoals

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a quote iii

hey guys 🙂

so i had a whole long post idea to write out because play practice is ending early… but my parents were 90. minutes. late. And then I had to wait for another 45 minutes. UGH.

Anyways, since I couldn’t post my quote Sunday, I decided I’d do it today! HOORAY! *clapping and cheering because everyone loves quotes*

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a quote ii

It’s Sunday…

As in last day of the weekend Sunday…

As in go back to school Monday Sunday…


Also, April’s incredibly busy homework doing superbowl watching Sunday.

So I decided Sundays shall be for quotes. :))

past quote

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